Monday, January 19, 2009

America Rules

Last night i paid 5 pounds to watch the NFL game at the only American Sports Bar that we can find. I was really questioning the decision to spend money to watch the Eagles play the Cardinals but afterward it was well worth it. It felt awesome to be packed into a bar with 500 other screaming Americans (most of whom were Eagles fans) yelling at a TV again. I was lucky enough to get pushed up against a wall where i stood next to a guy who looked just like Bob Marley. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and had never been to America. Yet he knew more about football than I do and he was talking smack all game. I was cheering for the Cardinals so we went back and forth over a couple beers during the course of the game. I had a blast and cannot wait for the Super Bowl now. GO CARDINALS!!!

Anyway 2 random updates quick:
1. PICTURES!!! They are not labeled yet so they don't really have much meaning but they are up and ready for you all to view at Check back in a couple days to see more and hopefully have captions so you know who/what you are looking at.
2. Send me letters. If you love me and want to send me a letter I finally have a mailing address for you:
Metrogate House
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Attn: Logan L Thein
3-7 Queens Gate Terrace


  1. Hey Logan, just trying to get this to work again at Grandmas! Hope all is well!

  2. One more time to show grandma how this works for good!

  3. OK Logan,
    Sam just left to go back to Milwaukee. Had to see if I could comment by myself.I agree GO CARDINALS, ITS ABOUT TIME A TEAM FROM THE WEST WINS.
    Take Care, Grandma T

  4. Madison is a litttle empty without you, I'm just saying. Hope you're still having a wonderful time!

  5. Hi Logan, Still trying to see if this comment thing works for me. Sent 3 yesterday, don't know if you got any. Love & miss you BEEGO
