Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry

Sorry everyone. I know I've slacked on the blogging in the past couple days so forgive me, but I have good reason. I have done so much in the past couple days that I haven't really had a free second to send everyone and update or make some phone calls. Don't worry tough, I'm alive and well and have a couple of cool stories to share.

Wednesday night I went to Complicit. Overall I was a little disappointed in the play. The story was that of the American journalist who was the whistle blower on the the governments torturing of prisoners at Abu Grahib prison in Iraq. Richard Dreyfuss played the journalist and he did a phenomenal job. It was cool seeing the guy from Jaws act in person. The rest of the actors weren't that great though, in fact they kinda stunk and it was a little distracting trying to follow the plot when the actors were all over the place. In the end though I guess the play did its job. I think it was trying to get you to think. If we torture these terrorists and whatnot are we any better than they are? Or in does it make us worse? (deep i know, don't worry it gets much lighter from here)

Thursday was awesome. A few of us went to this bar called O'neills. It is 3 floors tall with the first being an Irish pub, the second being a standard American style bar, and the third being a huge open space with live bands dance floor. The music they played there was great. It was all 90's American style music. We danced to The Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Outkast...pretty much any band that was cool when I was in 7th grade was being played, we formed a mini dance club right in the middle of the bar and even added some British people to our party. I actually shouldn't say we...Kelly added British people to our party by dancing with a 60 year old man, and 45 year old woman.

I also did something, that may or may not have been dumb that night. We had a booth where we were sitting and had all of our stuff. I few people went up to get drinks and as they left this British guy, must have been about 40 years old and bald came up to Kelly and asked her if she wanted to get hypnotized. She immediatly responded "NO", and when he turned and asked me, I immediatly responded with (you guessed it) "Hell Yeah". So this random guy grabs my arm and starts shaking it, moves his fingers in front of my eye and the next thing I know I'm out cold. I don't remember anything from when I'm out so I'm basing this next part on what I was told. I apparently sat there just bouncing up and down in my seat for a few minutes. The people who were getting drinks came back to this old man whispering in my ear and me out cold. Finally he wakes me up again and is done with whatever he was doing. Shakes my hand and walks away. I come back to consciousness to Jordan giving me the please stop and walk away sign. But I'm still very dizzy and a little out of it. The next half hour is very blurry as I was out of it. We're still afraid that he put some code word into my head that will make me go crazy or act like a duck if I ever hear it. Although everyone said that it was not a good idea, I disagree it was definitely one of those experiences that I'm happy I had.

Friday was the alumni dinner where all the Wisconsin graduates in the UK comes to London for a reception. All of us study abroad students were invited. We got all dressed up and got to mingle with all these old people. Best of all we got free food and drinks. I talked to a couple of alumni who just up and moved to London after school and started working. It was interesting to see how everything and everyone started their lives over and still loved it. A few of the Alumni took us out to a bar afterwards and paid for drinks there. I was talking to one of them who was well, kinda creepy. His name was Asif and he was born and raised in Palestine studied at UW and lives in London. He seemed like a nice guy but then he pulled me aside and said something to the effect of, "This is great, but I want to take just the guys out on you what London is actually like. You know, not these pubs but I'm talking prostitutes, and drugs and clubs that go until 2PM the next day." I was like, holy wow, I'm so proud to be a Badger right now.

Yesterday was Windsor Castle. A.K.A. The house where the queen lives. The place was just amazing. It is the worlds largest inhabited castle and we got to see so much. Queen Mary's doll house, St. Charles church, and Eton College. I can't even begin to explain all of it so the pictures I took will have to do. Windsor Castle is right up there with Westminster Abby as the coolest things I've seen in my life.

Look for more pictures soon. Take Care everyone.

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